Take fine white Ginger and grate it upon a whetstone, and then beat fine a little white Coperas, and put to it, and when the Patient goeth to bed, put some of it with a quill into his Eyes, and when it hath been there a little while, take ground Ivy beaten, and strained, with womans Milk, and puit three or foure drops into your Eyes evening, and morning, after the white Coperas hath been in your Eyes half and hour. Probatum est.
Another for the same
Take fine white Ginger, beaten fine into powder, & searse it, and seeth it a great while in good whit Wine, and put it into a faire vessell of Latten well stirred, and let it stand in the vessell till it look green, then put it into a glasse, and when you have need of it, use it with a little white Coperas at the dressing; Or for the Web in the Eye, take the gall of an Hare, and clarified Honey by even portions, and mingle them together, and lay it on the Web, and within three nights the Web shall break and save the sight. Probatum est.
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