Medicines for the Head. For the weakness of the Brain

Take a handfull of Rosemary, Sage, Marjoram, Hysop, Betany, the leaves, and roots; and the seeds and roots of Pyony; wash all these said herbs , and put them into a pottle of fair Water, and let them seeth together untill the one half be wasted; then take out the herbs, and put to the said water almost half a pint of Honey clarified, and let it boil well together with a dram of Stecados, knit in a linnen cloth; and let it boil till the sweetness of the Honey be boiled out: then take out the Stecados, and put thereto a quarter of an ounce of Cinamon, three Nutmegs well bruised, and put them to the same liquor, and seeth them together a good while; then strain it through a linnen cloth, and for use to drink it morning and evening, and it shall comfort thy brain.

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