For the Eyes. A precious medecine for sore and dim Eyes

Take a handfull of Tyme, an handfull of Vervain, a handfull of Rose leaves, a handfull of brown Fennell, and when you have washed those herbs clean, put them into a Stillitory, and then put thereto a pint of white Wine, and eight penniworth of pure white Coperas, and distill the same, and put it into a glasse, and use to wash your Eyes therewith. Probatum est.
Another for sore Eyes

Take red Rue, Smallage, Vervain, Maiden-hair, Ivy, Sengreen, Walwort, and red Fennell, of each a handfull, wash them clean, and lay them in good white Wine a day and a night, and after put them all into a stillitory, and still them; for the first water will be like gold, the second like silver, and the third like Balm, and keep it in a glasse and use it.

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