For the Nose. A singular Medicine to stop blood

Take Swines Dung, as hot as you may have it from the Swine, & when you have cleansed the congeal'd Blood out of the Nose, wring it through a Cloth, and let that juice pierce into the side from whence the Blood cometh, and by the Grace of God it shall stanch anon. Moreover it is good to bind the Feet and Arms, as hard as can be suffered with a Cord or Lace, the stronger the better: Or take strong Vinegar, and put it into the side of the Nostrill that bleedeth; and if they bleed both, put it into both, and it shall stop straight: Or take and bear about thee the herb Appium, otherwise called March Smallage, that groweth by the Waterside, and whilest thou bearest the same about thee, thou shalt not bleed, if thou haddest many Wounds.

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