You must give him a Purgation, as it is said in the pain of the Head, coming of Choller, then dip Cloths in Alum water, which must be made as followeth: take a pound of Alum Glasse, the juice of Purslain, of Plantine, and Verjuice, of Grapes, or Crabs, of each a Pint, with the whites of twenty one Eggs well beaten together, then mingle them altogether, and distill it in a Stillitory: this Water is for the Pimples, Scurfes, Chafings, Wheals, and Heats, dip your Cloth therein often, and lay to the rednesse.
The cause of these Impediments doth come of a venemous matter ascending out of the Stomach, meeting with Rheum that would descend from the Head, and meeting both together, do cause the Vapors to break out in the Face.
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