Medicines for the Throat. For a canker in the Throat

Take a Pint of good stale Ale, and a good handfull of Sage, and a good stone of Alum as much as an Egge, and boil them together well, and then with a Cloth wash thy Throat, and garle it in thy Throat, and be whole: Or take Sage, Woodbine, Rue, Hysop, or Penyryall, of each a quarter of a handfull, and boil them in good Wine Vineger, or strong Ale, with a little Roch Alum and a spoonfull of Honey, and then strain these through a Cloth, and with Liquor scour the canker with a fair Cloth on a sticks end, and wet a cloth double, and lay it plaisterwise to your Throat and be whole.

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