Medicines for the Scyatica.

This Infirmity cometh of hard lying on the Huckle-bones, or lying upon the ground, or upon a forme, or such like: it may come by a stripe, or by a fall, and it will run from the Huckle-bone to the knee, and from the knee to the anckle, and from the anckle to the little toe, and then it is past cure; and otherwhiles this Gowt will have a reflexion to the Reines of the back, and to the Flank; and it may come of a gross Flegmetique humour.

The chiefest remedy is, to anoint the place with oyl of Turpentine, and Aqua vitae compounded together, and use to anoint the place often against the fire, and a searcloth of pitch is good.

Another for the same

Take oyl of Olive, May butter, gall of a Bul, and red Onyons, and boyl these together and lay to the hips where the paine is; this is a good Medicine: or take a red cloth, and Anoynt it with Clarified Honey and thereupon strew the powder of Cummyn and as hot as you mau, Bind it to the sore, and be whole.

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