Take and anoint thy Face with the Blood of a Hare, or of a Bull, and this shall destroy the Freckles within five nights dressing, if you use it.
Another for the same
Take and lay a raw Egge (that is new laid) in white Wine Vineger all night, and on the morrow stamp the Egg small, and then put thereto as much Powder of Mustard-seed as the Egge was, and mingle it with the Egge, and when thou goest to bed anoint thy Face therewith; and on the morrow mingle Barley Meal, and hot Water together, then cast away the Water, and wash thy Face therewith, nine dayes: or take Salendine, stamp it, and temper it with white Wine and lay it to the Face: or take a good quantity of Pellitory of Spain, and white Wine, and let it stand a while, and then wash thy Face therewith, and it will heal thee.
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