Medicines for the Jaundise. For the black Jaundise

Take Enula Cumpana roots, and seeth them in milk, then take the milk and strain it through a piece of cotton, and give the sick to drink thereof. This did help a gentlewoman that was sixteen years troubled with the Jaundise, and could not be holpen.

For children take Turmerick and Ivory, of each two drams, of Saffron two scruples, seeth these in milk, and give it to the children that have the black or yellow Jaundise.

Another for the same

Seeth the inner bark of a Walnet tree in Ale or Beer, and in the same drink quench steel, being made red hot at least forty times, and drink of this five or six ounces at a time hot evening and morning; this is proved excellent good. Also Goats dung or Fallow Deers dung strained into milk and given to the sick, hath holpen the black Jaundise.

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